Jain International Trade Organisation JITO is a worldwide organisation of Jain businessmen, industrialists, knowledge workers and professionals reflecting the glory of ethical business practices.
It is a global organisation set to achieve socio-economic empowerment, value based education, community welfare, practice of compassion, spread of global friendship and spiritual upliftment of fellow beings.
JITO invites all fellow Jains from the world over to become a united force as contributor, collaborator and co-workers for its objectives. Through mutual interactions, JITO wishes to establish a network to plan, strategize and open avenues to solve issues related to trade and industry.
Jain International Trade Organisation
7/10, Botawala Bldg., 2nd Flr., Office No. - 5.,
Horniman Circle, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. INDIA.
Tel : +91-22-6610 2003 / 2004
Fax : +91-22-6610 2097
E-mail : contact@jito.org
Website : www.jito.org