Spiritual Leaders
One of the first questions frequently asked upon encountering the Brahma Kumaris is, “Is this a women’s organisation?” The answer is “no”. Although primarily administered by women, it is an organisation in which both women and men participate equally.
The Role of Women
In October 1937, Brahma Baba formed a Managing Committee of eight young women and in February 1938, he surrendered all his property and assets to a Trust administered by them. The soundness of his decision to choose women and young girls as administrators and spiritual teachers has been born out by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) becoming a respected global institution under their leadership. Brahma Baba also correctly foresaw that core values based on traditionally feminine qualities – patience, tolerance, sacrifice, kindness and love – would increasingly become the foundation of progress in personal growth, human relations, and the development of caring communities.
Spiritual Partnership
Brahma Baba’s vision of the future world was one of harmony between the sexes and of partnership rooted in spirituality, for spirituality is the key to trust and respect. Today, although women head the organisation, there are many men coordinating centres and playing other key administrative roles.
All of the Brahma Kumaris centres offer courses in meditation and spiritual knowledge, as well as seminars and special events facilitating self development and personal change. All courses, seminar and workshops are offered to the public free of charge, as a community service.
The Foundation Course in Meditation, described below, is available at every Brahma Kumaris centre on a regular basis. The other courses are offered from time to time. For information as to what is available in your area.
The Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation
At the heart of the University’s teachings is The Foundation Course in Raja Yoga Meditation. This course provides a logical and practical understanding of the relationship between spirit and matter, as well as an understanding of the interplay between souls, God and the material world. The series of classes in this course will facilitate your inward journey in an efficient and effective way.
Positive Thinking Course
If you are not sure that you’re ready for meditation but would like to understand your mind better, gain greater clarity and learn how to manage your thoughts, the Positive Thinking Course is for you.
Stress Free Living Seminars
Stress getting to you? Everyone experiences difficult periods in their lives when deadlines, family worries, financial pressures and or turbulent relationships take their toll on our sense of mental and physical well–being. Calm down and learn to relax through a Stress Free Living Seminar.
Brahma Kumaris ,
Near Strand Cinema Colaba,
Mumbai 40005.