Swami Chinmayananda
Chinmaya Mission creates vehicles for self-unfoldment: from Vedantic institutes that train teachers, to jnana yajnas and spiritual camps, to regular spiritual study classes for adults, children and youth, to social service and educational projects (including schools, hospitals, rural development and retirement homes), to a rich array of Vedantic literature in print, audio and video media.
Core projects that reflect the vision of the Founder.
•CORD fosters self-growth by empowering people to become self-sufficient economically, emotionally and spiritually. Chinmaya Vibhooti is a monumental, mammoth project that facilitates training, retreats and conferences. Chinmaya Naada Bindu will be a school of music and dance to facilitate perfection in arts and culture.
Weekly, short-term, long-term courses for seekers from all parts of the globe.
Name it, you have it! Vedanta courses for serious seekers committed to spiritual knowledge and other courses for those who want a bird's eye view of the scriptures. Also the Purohita Course that trains priests with correct and comprehensive knowledge.
List of Courses:
• Residential Vedanta Course
• Youth Empowerment Programme-YEP
• Dharma Sevak Course
• Postal & E-Vedanta Courses
• Purohita Course
Swami Chinmayananda was passionate about knowledge and laid paramount emphasis on education, both academic & spiritual, resulting in schools & colleges with a difference.
• CCMT Education Cell
• Chinmaya Vision Programme
• Chinmaya Schools
• Support the CCMTEC Scholarship Fund
• Support Chinmaya Vidya Nidhi
We have institutes committed to Vedanta study, research, management training and also social service.
•Sandeepanies, the Mission Gurukulas, which offer an intensive study of scriptures. CIF, a bridge between east and west, between spirituality and science and between past and present. A nursing college that offers a full-fledged course and the famous Chinmaya Mission Hospital that provides round the clock service. An institute of management, which integrates Vedanta with management. All of these reflect the Mission's vision of knowledge and service.
List of Institutes:
• Vedanta Institutes
• CIF - Chinmaya International Foundation
• CMH & CHIN - Chinmaya Mission Hospital & Chinmaya Institute of Nursing
• CIM - Chinmaya Institute of Management
• Contact a Chinmaya School or College
• Awards
Central Chinmaya Mission Trust
Sandeepany Sadhanalaya
Saki Vihar Road
Mumbai 400 072
Ph: (+91-22) 2857 2367
Fax: (+91-22) 2857 3065
Email: ccmt@chinmayamission.com